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Accelerate Containerization of your Legacy Apps through CloudHedge

Accelerate Containerization of your Legacy Apps through CloudHedge


Containerizing your age-old legacy applications is the way forward! Yes, it’s true that the benefits attached to containerization are quite rewarding for enterprise apps in the long run. It is also true that not all applications should be containerized. Assuming your application is ready for containerization, you may want to analyze the approach taken to containerize apps, is it a manual or an automated process? Manual process is time-consuming and prone to errors. Indeed, an automated approach works faster in modernizing legacy applications into containers, enter –

CloudHedge provides automated containerization tools – Discover, Transform and Cruize which enhances your app modernization journey and makes it predictable, a little leaner as well. So how does each tool perform or to what part of the containerization journey can they be leveraged? 

  • Discover – Use this tool to assess your application. Using Application X-Ray, CloudHedge’s Discover scans your applications and extracts finer details about your infrastructure and app processes. 
  • Transform – The Transform module containerizes applications in an automated manner, post the discovery phase. Applications can be containerized either in cloud (private or public).
  • Cruize – Containers are lightweight and portable, the automated Cruize module helps in seamless multiple container deployments as part of one or more application blueprints. 

That was quick, well the journey henceforth becomes slightly easier since CloudHedge adheres to the containerization best practices and also has its automated containerization tools Red Hat certified. Contact us at and take the first step in your automated app containerization journey.

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