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Bring Your Own Cluster – CloudHedge Cruize

Bring Your Own Cluster – CloudHedge Cruize


At CloudHedge, we’re making use of AI to mitigate inefficiencies and speed up the automated application modernization process. Deploying applications on the cloud has always been challenging, there are so many parameters involved that the entire deployment process becomes tedious. To make matters easy, we have CloudHedge’s Cruize module which can be used for deploying your app on cloud, be it AWS, GCP, IBM Cloud or even Azure. To speed up the deployment process furthermore, users also have an option to bring their own cluster. CloudHedge’s Cruize provides multiple – bring your own cluster (BYOC) options – Kubernetes, OpenShift, EKS, AKS, GKS and ICP.

To complete the BYOC process, follow these steps:

  • Login to CloudHedge
  • Click on “Deployment Targets”.
  • Click -> “+ BYOC”
      1. Add Name parameter-> Cluster name constraint: Only lowercase alphanumerics and ‘-‘ allowed, must start with a letter and end with an alphanumeric, and must be no longer than 40 characters.
      2. Orchestration Engine-> K8s Cluster, Openshift Cluster, IBM Cloud Private, EKS, AKS, GKE.
      3. Mode-> production or non-production.
      4. Upload Kubeconfig file either in yaml or json format
  • Steps with screenshots for OpenShift cluster through the BYOC option
  • Follow the guidelines by clicking “?” symbol
  • Fill Name, Orchestration Engine and create Cluster Config file for BYOC
  • The cluster has been successfully imported and can be seen with the recent notification
  • Deploy on the imported cluster using CloudHedge’s Cruize

In addition, here is the config file for the K8s Cluster on Google Cloud Platform

 - user:
       name: gcp
         token-key: '{.credential.access_token}'
         expiry-key: '{.credential.token_expiry}'
         expiry: '2019-03-26T06:42:04Z'
         cmd-path: /Users/eshansarpotdar/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud
         cmd-args: config config-helper --format=json
access-token: ya29.c.El_YBjiORx69G_PzzJ12sYA-Wo0GrPhZWeZZhBDy1PJ13F4JKYvvFZ6ucFY_mAtSrUkY8qjCAgc8VrWHiTeBVtVtR036pZTzwB7lsLK0zN1V4nj-ubipUBOJF5sSBxuzMg
name: gke_root-app-138506_us-central1-b_gc-test1
kind: Config
current-context: gke_root-app-138506_us-central1-b_gc-test1
- name: gke_root-app-138506_us-central1-b_gc-test1
   user: gke_root-app-138506_us-central1-b_gc-test1
     cluster: gke_root-app-138506_us-central1-b_gc-test1
 - name: gke_root-app-138506_us-central1-b_gc-test1
     server: 'https://'
apiVersion: v1

Config example: Please update the token before using this config

        "users" : [ 
                "user" : {
                    "token" : "pd7p5KM_lHQjpOUMc-EVfBLKW5OKDgQR6iSkyn8Uev0"
                "name" : "admin/-cloudhedge-info:8443"
        "preferences" : {},
        "kind" : "Config",
        "current-context" : "default/cloudhedge-info:8443/admin",
        "contexts" : [ 
                "name" : "default/cloudhedge-info:8443/admin",
                "context" : {
                    "user" : "admin/cloudhedge-info:8443",
                    "namespace" : "default",
                    "cluster" : "cloudhedge-info:8443"
        "clusters" : [ 
                "name" : "cloudhedge-info:8443",
                "cluster" : {
                    "server" : "",
                    "insecure-skip-tls-verify" : true
        "apiVersion" : "v1"

And this is exactly how you bring your own cluster to smoothen your app deployment journey to cloud. With automated containerization of applications, enterprises can reap the benefits through CloudHedge’s Discover, Transform, and Cruize products and leverage the BYOC function to speed up app deployment on cloud. Reach out via and explore new ways to automate app modernization.

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