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Automated App Re-Platforming from Windows to Linux using CloudHedge

Automated App Re-Platforming from Windows to Linux using CloudHedge


Unending Licensing Costs and No Support

Did the recent Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2 support withdrawal from Microsoft affect your business? More than support, are the licensing costs of Windows Server causing a huge dent in your budgets? In every board meeting, is your CTO saying that we need to containerize apps but you don’t know where and how to start? Do these questions sound familiar? Then I guess, it’s time to modernize your applications and jump on the automated containerization bandwagon. 

Enterprises often make the shift from an older Windows OS to a newer version of Windows OS to ensure there is continuous support and to extract the maximum potential from the technology that has to offer. However, how about completely eradicating those Windows Licensing costs once and for all? With CloudHedge’s App Modernization Platform, enterprises can re-platform their age-old legacy applications residing on Windows, 2003, Windows 2008, or on Windows 2008R2 (Java based – JBoss, Wildfly, Tomcat) to Linux within hours, no kidding! As a matter of fact, containerizing enterprise Windows workloads to Linux is no more a distant dream, the benefits associated are multifold. 

Re-Platform with Confidence from Windows to Linux

Replatforming from Windows to Linux also eliminates disruptions caused by unexpected licensing policy changes which often result in increasing or uncalculated costs during the year. Not just rising OpEx but also the withdrawal of support from Microsoft is another reason for enterprises to shift to a recent or a similar operating system which can help in keeping the application running smoothly. In addition, CloudHedge’s App Modernization Platform features works seamlessly for apps that:

  • Are on an on-premise infrastructure and want to containerize to be on an on-premise infrastructure (BFSI/Heavily Regulated).
  • Are on an on-premise infrastructure and want to containerize apps to the cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure, IBM, or Oracle)
  • Already on cloud and want to containerize apps

The App Modernization Platform is a silver bullet for all those who are planning to re-platform legacy applications and containerize them. The App Modernization Platform consists of 3 tools:

  • Discover – Helps to identify processes that are running in the application and extract the ones which would be required for containerization.
  • Transform – Automates the process of containerizing application services, enables tweaking of Docker files before converting them to container images. 
  • Cruize – Automates deployment of containers to your preferred cloud or on your on-premise setup. 

All within weeks instead of months and that too without touching the source code! Cakewalk? Well, yes! How about a quick 30mins demo to show you how we can re-platform your apps residing on Windows to Linux? Sign up for the program today!

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